Evolution Kiosk


Touch table for city hall Harderwijk

Mittwoch 28 August 2019

The municipality of Harderwijk likes to make it as easy as possible for residents and visitors. To further improve the service, a touch table from Prestop has been placed in the service corner of the city shop.


Interactive information provision 

We have made an interactive configuration with Omnitapps4, so users can find all sorts of things from and about Harderwijk on the touch table. For example, about the city council or about activities and events in the city. The interactive map of Harderwijk makes it clear; where to find parking spaces; where is it allowed to walk a dog?


touch tables    omnitapps4

More information

Do you want more information about touch tables or other interactive solutions? 

Contact us! Phone: +31(0)499-367 606  |  Email:

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