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Registrierungskioske für das Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center

Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center, in the Netherlands, has been officially opened for patients since September 2019. Upon arrival, visitors and patients can register at the hostess desk or via a registration kiosk.

Shorter queues with registration kiosks

Prestop has installed six registration kiosks to speed up the registration process and shorten the queues.


Customized registration kiosk

For Amsterdam UMC Imaging Center, Prestop has designed a registration kiosk (which can be attached to a counter) with a 24" PCAP edge-to-edge touchscreen, built-in printer, built-in PC and a lock.

The touchscreen is provided with privacy foil, so personal data cannot be read without standing in front of the kiosk. The printer's paper roll can be quickly replaced by opening the kiosk with the lock on the front.

More information

Do you want more information registration kiosks, information kiosks or other interactive solutions? 

Contact us! Phone: +31(0)499-367 606  |  Email: sales@prestop.nl

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