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Prestop is partner of Q&A

Prestop is partner of Q&A. Prestop provides interactive solutions for Q&A retail events. First at the award ceremony of Retailer of the Year on September 12 in Antwerp and on September 17 in Amsterdam.

Interactive solutions retail

Alexander Aelberts (CEO Prestop BV) is present at both ceremonies of the Retailer of the Year. Do you want to know more about interactive solutions within retail? Alexander Aelberts is happy to tell you more about it.


go to agenda    Retailer of the Year

About Q&A

Since its establishment in 2003, Q&A has grown into a leading retail partner for knowledge, research, advice and training. The high-quality studies lead to essential insights and advice that can be applied at all levels within an organization. This helps customers to perform better every day. In addition, Q&A contributes to increasing knowledge in the retail sector through training courses, master classes, presentations and workshops. Q&A is also the organizer of consumer elections such as "Retailer of the Year", "Best Product of the Year" and "Foodservice Awards".

More information

Do you want more information about interactive solutions? 

Contact us! Phone: +31(0)499-367 606  |  Email: sales@prestop.nl

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