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Prestop launches Omnitapps4 Composer Museum

For the museum industry we made a special edition of Omnitapps4: Omnitapps4 Composer Museum

Omnitapps4 Composer Museum - a user-friendly multi-touch software - has the same 24 apps as Omnitapps4, but the default content of each app is custom-built for museums. For example, the SwipeMediaMarker app shows information about planets in our solar system using special video backgrounds and video transitions.

Interactive digital exhibits for museums

Many museums have large art collections that are not exhibited most of the time. By displaying exhibits digitally with an interactive experience made with Omnitapps4 Composer Museum, you can show many objects with the accompanying information.

Screenshot selection
Omnitapps4 Composer Museum

More information

Do you want more information about Omnitapps4 or other interactive solutions? 

Contact us! Phone: +31(0)499-367 606  |  Email: sales@prestop.nl

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